Home Made Chow Is Adored By Pet Dogs

source: pixabay.com

With the growing allegations over commercial pet food that they are harmful to pets, owners are getting more and more disillusioned with it all. This environment forces owners to make a critical decision, whether to stick to the commercial dog foods by switching over to the costly brands or to make their own pet food right in the comfort of their homes.

A brief look at what a good quality dog food should have reveals that it is nearly half parts protein and carbohydrate and vegetables equally distributed in the remaining half. This makes dog food quite similar to our own diet. Dogs live on a similar nutritive diet and require simple seasoning to add taste just like the food that we take. Unfortunately, cheaper pet foods come either packed with vegetables or carbohydrates and contain a higher grain count.

To use as meat you can try out turkey mixed with carrots and rice for that perfect flavor your dog will appreciate and grow accustomed to. Turkey is not only high on proteins but it also gives a healthier brand of nutrients. On the other hand, beef and brown rice can also be substituted for your dog. Cook this with brown rice for a well-balanced diet.

Many people are led to believe that it is actually hard to conjure up a delicacy for your dog. However, it is as easy as cooking for yourself. Best of all, you can make the dishes in bulk and store it over 3 to 7 days refrigerated. This saves you time and money as well.

If your dog was on a commercial dog food diet, then it would be best to slowly shift it away towards a home grown diet plan over the period of a week. Alternate the type of food so that it does not get stomach upsets and diarrhea. You should be able to give it a completely homemade diet by the end of the week.

Home food is also very healthy for your dog. A dog completely on a homemade diet is prone to lesser allergies as this food has all natural proteins unlike the commercial varieties that are high on artificial proteins which, is the biggest contributor to dog allergies.

If you search the web you will find hundreds of different recipes not only on dog meals but on dog snacks and biscuits as well. Thus, you can even prepare the snacks that you wish to feed your dog instead of getting them from the market.